Standby for formatting errors.
This is not your classic Pad Kee Mao. It has elements of Pad Kee Mao, but is modified pretty heavily. If you are sensitive to the needs of ritual and not deviating, then read no further.
Here is the final product:
For most of my Thai recipes, I buy ingredients for 3-4 servings, and make each plate separately.
Carrots (sliced and steamed)
Water chestnuts (diced)
Baby Corn
Bell Pepper
White Onion
1 1/2 - 2 tablespoons Sweet Soy Sauce per plate
1/2 - 1 tablespoon Chili Paste per plate
Pinch of sugar
Flat rice noodles
Optional Ingredients:
Broccoli (steamed)
Basil leaves
Bean sprouts (to top off the plate at the end)
Strips of pork, chicken, or beef.
To prepare the noodles: place noodles in covered pot of hot water for 20-30 minutes, or until noodles are cooked through but not too soggy. Once cooked, place in bowl of ice.
To prepare the sweet soy sauce:
Mix 1 part soy sauce with 1 part molasses. You want a fairly thick consistency.
Prepare your vegetables to be stir-fried.
Turn your stove on high (use extra high heat if you have it) and heat your wok to a very high temperature. You should be able to put a teaspoon of water in your wok and it should evaporate in 1-2 seconds. Once it is this hot, put in ~2 tablespoons of oil. Canola oil can actually be better for stir-fries than olive oil because your dish will not get as soggy. Rotate your wok and spread the oil around, then add your meat and onions. Let the meat sear and brown, but not cook all the way through. Add your vegetables and use a wooden spoon to make sure nothing is sticking to the bottom of the wok. Add the sweet soy sauce, chili paste, and a pinch of sugar. Using either a wooden spoon or flipping with the wok, mix your sauces in until everything is evenly sauteed. Grab a handful of noodles and toss them in with the rest of the ingredients. Again stir until noodles have consistent color.
Turn off flame and plate your food.
Cut wedges of lime and squeeze over your food, top with bean sprouts.
awesome, i'm impressed you dont use recipes!