Thursday, March 29, 2012


I hereby propose a new challenge!!! A COMPETITION OF SORTS!!! THERE WILL BE PRIZES! MONEY! FAME! GLORY!!!!

Anyway, now that I have your attention. I'm starting a challenge based off of a recent experience.

About 5 minutes ago I pulled some roasted chick peas out of the oven.
I was sorely disappointed. I frowned. And kept eating them. Trying to convince myself they were getting better.
They weren't crunchy. I wanted crunchy chickpeas. And the flavor was just okay, mediocre at best.

Here's what I did:

Drained a can of chick peas.
Roasted chick peas for 10 minutes at 425.
Read online to drain AND DRY really well before roasting.
Made mixture to coat the chick peas in.
(Paprika, olive oil, salt, cumin, chili powder.)
Took chick peas out of oven after 10 minutes.
Coated chick peas in mixture.
Returned to over for 6-7 minutes.
Pulled out of oven.
Started eating.

HOW DO YOU MAKE CRUNCHY CHICK PEAS?? Chefs, prepare your knives, your time starts NOW!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Where in the world are the McClenagans?

I know I know!!! Well this Saturday we are running a 5K. So we are putting the past two weeks of wisdom teeth diet aside, and eating healthy this week. Look for recipes such as honey-soy broiled salmon! And chipotle orange chicken!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day Three

Breakfast - Bon Appetit's "softest" scrambled eggs. Basically entailed constantly whisking eggs while cooking. They were fluffy, but not mind-blowing. I'll try again tomorrow. Here's the article: Bon Appetit recommends serving with whipped cream and caviar. Clearly I did not do that. I don't want Atticus to get accustomed to caviar for breakfast.

Lunch - A fabulous steak and arugula salad by mom. The arugula was from her garden: fresh, crisp, spicy. I had a healthy amount of Nutella for dessert.

Dinner - Atticus was pretty cranky after a long day, so we went to Sprouts for shopping/grazing. While shopping Atticus ate: half an apple, a wheat raspberry bar, a golden rye cracker, and a vanilla green tea cookie.

He also charmed the pants off everyone there. Young male hipsters and eccentric old ladies alike.

Sorry no pictures. Mom's salad would have been the best to document, but we were too excited to eat.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day Two

Breakfast = fail.

Not even worth a picture. Scrambled tofu, which is usually good. But I added garam masala, which made it too bitter. Ate about half of it, then split another oatmeal cookie with Atticus. It had like breakfast...

Lunch = for the win!

We went to Zilker and had a picnic consisting of: strawberries, hummus, bread, cheese, and graham bunnies for dessert.

Then we shared a juice at Juiceland, a super-hippie place on Barton Spring Road. Can you see how much Att loved it?

Dinner = needed to finish the quinoa, so to make it interesting, I put a poached egg on top. I used a method from Bon Appetit for the "perfect poach." Was it perfect? I'll let you be the judge:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day One

For lunch I made steamed mushroom dumplings. The filling was good, but the dumplings stuck to the steamer. Any tips?

Atticus had quinoa with avocado.

Neither meals were particularly photogenic, so
instead I'm including a picture of Atticus taking care of ingredients.


For dinner, we had quinoa salad. Warm quinoa mixed with red bell pepper, tomatoes, carrots, and blue cheese. Then we shared a Kashi Oatmeal and Dark Chocolate cookie for dessert.

Claire and Atticus edition

Hans is in Boston until Sunday, so I'll document the meals Atticus and I create. Our box of ingredients has arrived. Stay tuned!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Smorgasbord entree and dessert!

We were planning on going to Wheatsville today for Owner Appreciation Day...but didn't. So I searched the fridge and pantry to create...


I drained the tofu, then scrambled it with chili powder, cumin, garlic, salt, and pepper. I added in some chopped green onions, then served it in leaves of Bibb lettuce. Some grated raw mild cheddar and a dollop of sour cream, and voila!

For dessert, I was going to make some maple cinnamon frozen yogurt, but discovered my ice cream bowl wasn't frozen. I also didn't have eggs or butter. BUT in situations like these, I look to the vegans. I found a delicious recipe for almond butter cookies. I substituted tahini for almond butter, and added vegetable oil, flour, baking powder, and maple syrup. They taste like peanut butter cookies. Double voila!

Atticus was very happy with the cookies, and his own portion of scrambled tofu.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Two meals! One piece of meat!

We doesn't buy or eat a lot of meat but when we do we try to not waste. This week from one $5.00 piece of beef we got two meals.

A steak salad with a homemade blackberry balsamic glaze/dressing

The second was steak glazed in the same dressing as above over rice cooked in veggie stock and some baked beans.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Spinach and Kale enchilada

We made a spinach and kale enchilada with a home made "enchilada" sauce, a mix of pepper jack cheese and mozzarella. The home made tortillas came the "home sick Texan" cook book.

The rice is a red bell pepper rice. The beans are just pinto beans with cheese.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vegetable Broth

Make your own. Seriously, it's so easy and worth it. I use vegetable scraps and vegetables I'm not going to use (radishes). Throw in a clove of garlic, some peppercorns, and salt. I use it for everything: soup, rice, marinades. It adds flavor, makes the most of your vegetables, and is cost efficient.

Popcorn Tofu - take 2

I scoured the internet for the actual Wheatsville Popcorn Tofu recipe. Apparently they are very proprietary. I did find it in a cookbook, but it was in the portions that Wheatsville uses. To produce 39 pounds! 39 POUNDS OF POPCORN TOFU. So I had to estimate the measurements. What is 3 quarts of tamari divided by 39?

Seriously, I just guessed. Secret ingredient? Nutritional yeast. I'll link to it:

The difference is that you coat the tofu in a batter, rather than breading. But it still wasn't the same. I think my batter was too thick. Hans helped:

And it was delicious. More delicious than the first time, but still not the holy grail of Popcorn Tofu. Stay tuned for another attempt. Here it is, served with a salad, and sunflower quinoa: