Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day Two

Breakfast = fail.

Not even worth a picture. Scrambled tofu, which is usually good. But I added garam masala, which made it too bitter. Ate about half of it, then split another oatmeal cookie with Atticus. It had like breakfast...

Lunch = for the win!

We went to Zilker and had a picnic consisting of: strawberries, hummus, bread, cheese, and graham bunnies for dessert.

Then we shared a juice at Juiceland, a super-hippie place on Barton Spring Road. Can you see how much Att loved it?

Dinner = needed to finish the quinoa, so to make it interesting, I put a poached egg on top. I used a method from Bon Appetit for the "perfect poach." Was it perfect? I'll let you be the judge:

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